joi, 10 octombrie 2013

Paulownia si proiectele europene

Uniunea Europena sprijina plantatiile de Paulownia, fapt revazut in anuntul oficial privind acest subiect pe site-ul

" In concordanta cu prevederile Ghidului Solicitantului aferent Masurii 121 versiunea 10 noiembrie 2012, va informam ca, in cadrul acestei masuri, printre tipurile de investitii si cheltuieli eligibile se regasesc si investitii pentru infiintarea de culturi de specii forestiere cu ciclu de productie scurt si regenerare pe cale vegetativa, in scopul producerii de energie regenerabila.

Conform prevederilor Ordinului ministrului si dezvoltarii rurale nr. 45/2011 privind aprobarea formularului-tip de cerere unica de plata pe suprafata pentru anul 2011, fermierii care cultiva plante energetice nonalimentare beneficiaza de schema de sprijin pe unitatea de suprafata (SAPS).

Paulownia tomentosa (arborele printesei) se regaseste la Codul 953, culturi ce pot fi infiintate ca plante energetice nonalimentare.

Astfel, realizarea unei investitii intr-o plantatie cu aceasta specie este eligibila prin Masura121, dar valorificarea acesteia va viza numai productia de energie regenerabila.

De asemenea, precizam ca, proiectul care presupune aceasta investitie nu beneficiaza de punctaj in cadrul criteriului de selectie nr. 2, deoarece pentru sesiunea de depunere proiecte desfasurata in perioada 26 noiembrie 2012 - 01 martie 2013, sectorul specii forestiere cu ciclu scurt de productie si regenerare pe cale vegetatica (plopul, salcia, salcamul etc.) nu este sector prioritar."

2 comentarii:

  1. Salut Cosmin ,

    Multumesc pentru comentariu iar aici ai un text ditr-un tratat de crestere a paulowniei din SUA care demonstreaza ca afirmatiile mele sunt corecte si pertinente. “Unlike seeds of many native trees that commonly occur with princesstree (e.g., oak, beech (Fagus spp.), and aspen (Populus spp.)), princesstree seeds can maintain high viability despite dehydration [9]. The seeds require light for germination [18,157]. The light requirement for germination was considered “unusually high” when compared with other species [31]. The actual period of illumination required ranges from minutes to hours and varies with seed source, year, and storage conditions [18,55].” “According to reviews, princesstree prefers high light, exposed mineral soil, and adequate moisture for germination and establishment [18,26,63,130]; however, results of experimental studies are variable and often difficult to reconcile given the effect of environmental conditions on germination capacity and dormancy. In field experiments in Ohio, germination of naturally cold-stratified seeds was measured on different substrates and across light (intact forest, edge, and 7-year-old clearcut) and substrate (bare mineral soil, sand, gravel, cobble, top soil, and leaf litter) gradients. Germination was low overall (15%) and occurred only under full light (clearcut). During the 1st year of the study, a drought year, germination was observed only in cobble and gravel. In the 2nd year, with average precipitation, germination was significantly greater on bare mineral soil than any other substrate (P=0.05). The difference in germination between the 2 years was attributed to presence of moist microclimates in the cobble and gravel during the drought. Seeds buried 2 inches (5 cm) in the soil had greater tendency to become dormant and had lower mortality than seeds stored at the soil surface [90]. In contrast, a greenhouse study subjected seeds that had been dry-stored at ambient temperatures to 2 light treatment levels (full sun and 50% shade), 2 surface-cover treatment levels (bare soil and 1-inch (2 cm) litter cover), and 3 seed position treatments (litter surface, soil surface, and 1 inch beneath the soil surface). Germination rates under 50% shade were significantly higher than germination rates under full sun, with the highest germination levels recorded under 50% shade in bare soil on the soil surface (P<0.001 for all variables)"
    Si asta nu numai pentru cultura ta generala dar si pentru toti ceilalti care pun la indoiala comentariile mele.Despre putin informat ??? cretd ca trebuie sa-ti ceri scuze ,pur si simplu.Rezultatele ma recomanda ,clientii sunt multumiti iar eu nu fac munca asta ca hobby.

  2. I-mi doresc sa plantez 7 ha. dar cu fonduri europene si prime anuale de compensare a productiei pana la valorificarea productiei. telefon 0785702321
